

5–28–24 - Troubles with Troubleshooting

Hi there! This is the first blog post that should be showing up here. So, how do you like the website? Is the right font showing? I hope so, because I just spent half an hour getting it to work, & it still wouldn't after all that! (To check if the right font is showing, right click some text, click "inspect", & then scroll down until you see "font family". If the font is working, it should say "Rokkitt", & if it's not, it should say "Verdana".) Anyway, I got an error saying "@font-face declaration doesn't follow the fontspring bulletproof syntax." The @font-face declaration is supposed to make it possible to use more different fonts, but it wouldn't work. I called up my uncle cuz he's good with tech & stuff like this, & we spent like half an hour trying to get this to work. Eventually I gave him the link to this site, & wouldn't you know it, the font was working for him, but not for me! Anyways, I love coding errors! /sarcasm